Sunday, January 8, 2012

Planning a Healthy Party Menu

Quick, think of a few traditional party foods. Maybe wings, pizza, and chips and dip come to mind. Although these foods can fit into a balanced diet, providing lots of nutritious options as well as a few splurges helps everyone enjoy the food at a party without dreading the scale the next week. Here was my menu for a birthday party I just hosted for a friend:
·         Lentil and Split Pea Soup (not pictured) with Whole Grain Rolls
·         Mediterranean Bulgur Salad
·         Crudités (raw veggies), Hummus, and Whole Grain Pita
·         Fresh Fruit, Cheese, and Whole Grain Crackers
·         Mini Birthday Cupcakes

Planning a party? Here are 5 tips to create a menu full of delicious, fresh, beautiful, and healthful foods for your guests to enjoy!
1.   Use vegetables and fruits liberally. Fruits and veggies are full of nutrients and fiber. By making plates of raw fruits and vegetables, guests can nosh on something tasty and healthy – plus, the only preparation required is washing and slicing! No tricky recipes here. I pile in the vegetables for the bulgur salad and lentil soup as well, providing texture and flavor to the dishes.
2.   Aim for most (or all) your grains to be whole grains. Whole grains have more fiber than typical refined grains. Misleading labels can make it difficult to spot whole grain breads and crackers. Always look for the world “whole” in the ingredient list; it should be the first or second ingredient. Otherwise, it’s simply masquerading. Bulgur is a great whole grain. Other good whole grains include amaranth, barley, whole wheat pasta or couscous, millet, oats, quinoa, rye, spelt, and wheat berries.
3.   Make portion control easy. Since cheese is a high fat item, I sliced the cheese into small pieces so my guests were able to take just a small piece if they wanted. Similarly, I used a mini-muffin pan to make my birthday cupcakes. That way, everyone was able to try the cake without having to accept a huge portion that someone else cuts.
4.   Include some lean protein. Since many healthier choices are lower in fat, protein helps ensure your guests’ appetites are satisfied. I served the crudités with hummus, which is made from garbanzo beans. Additionally, I used lentils, split peas, and chicken in my soup. This way, my friends aren’t going to leave hungry.
5.   Provide plenty of lower-calorie drink options. This can be tricky. Unsweetened iced tea, hot tea and coffee (be sure to have plenty of low-calorie sweeteners on hand), diet sodas, and water are all good bets. If you choose to serve alcohol, there are many lighter versions that contain fewer calories and less alcohol as well.
Having healthier options at your party will show that you care about your friends, that every occasion can fit into a balanced diet, and that eating healthy can be delicious. It doesn’t have to be expensive, difficult, or boring. Your guests will thank you for taking the time and energy to put together dishes that taste great and make them feel good, too.
I’ll post recipes for the soup and the bulgur salad later this week. Comments or questions? Let me know!

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