Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Power of Snacking

Who decided that Americans should only have 3 square meals a day? Definitely not a dietitian!

Including small, healthy snacks between meals can help you keep your energy at a maximum and your hunger levels at a minimum, meaning less of a chance of overeating later or crashing mid-afternoon.  
The idea is not to increase total daily calories consumed, but to spread the calories throughout the day. Many Americans pile all their calories to one side of the day (dinnertime), giving their bodies nothing to work with for the first part of the day and increasing their chances of binging later. (See my breakfast entry!)

If you want to do something good for your body and metabolism, try to regularly consume healthful foods and water throughout the day. The phrase most often used to describe this is "fueling the fire." You have to tend to the fire all day for it to stay flaming at its full potential.

Healthy, well-timed snacks help that fire burn its brightest all day long. This might mean one mid-morning snack as well as another mid-afternoon – generally, it’s a good idea to go no more than 3 or 4 hours without eating something. But what to eat?
For many people, a snack of around 150-200 calories is typically a good place to start. Make sure it contains some carbohydrates as well as some protein – a little fat is fine, too. Here are some good examples:

·         A small banana and a fat-free yogurt
·         Light string cheese and 5 whole grain crackers (like Triscuits)
·         1 slice of whole grain toast with peanut butter
·         Raw veggies (at least 1-2 handfuls) with hummus (around 3 Tablespoons)
·         A scrambled egg on ½ a whole grain English muffin
·         1 cup of skim milk and ½ cup of Cheerios and fresh berries
·         Ants on a log (celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins)
·         Oatmeal (if you’re in a hurry or at work, try BetterOats OatFit 100 calorie instant oatmeal –   so good!) and an orange
·         A lower sugar, higher protein and fiber granola bar (I love the Kashi TLC granola bars and the Nature Valley Protein Chewy Bars)
·         A half serving of almonds (around 12 almonds) or walnuts (about 8 halves) and a handful of grapes
·         Non-fat Greek yogurt sprinkled with some granola
·         Apple slices topped with almond butter
Including snacks in your daily routine can help stave off hunger and keep you from crashing mid-day. Remember, food is your body’s fuel, and calories are just a unit of energy. You deserve energy, so don’t deprive yourself if you are feeling hungry! Just be sure not to stifle that flame with too much firewood J

Any other good snack ideas? What role do snacks play in your lives? Leave comments and questions below!



  1. My most favorite snack = fat-free popcorn. You can eat the whole bag and it's only 240 calories.

  2. My weakness is stopping. I particularly like the egg + english muffin one. I have to make the effort to not use the other half... or cheese :)

  3. Kristen - I can't believe I forgot popcorn on this list! Light or fat-free popcorn is a great whole-grain option for people who love crunchy, snacky foods. Plus, it's yummy :)

    Matt - wanting to turn snacks into meals is really common, especially when they taste so good! Snacks can help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight, but only if they are the right size and contain the right foods. Portioning out the snack before you start eating can help this (like measuring out a handful of nuts instead of eating out of the can), or guesstimating the calories before you sit down to enjoy it. Also, try looking at the big picture: spacing out meals and putting small snacks between them as needed is going to help your health; spacing out meals and putting other meals between them is not :) Good luck!
